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Voice Recognition

Class Information

Class Information

  • Welcome 2013 - 2014 Classes


    Welcome to art class! Each class (except Senior Art) is a semester long, and is worth ½ credit. Courses I will be teaching include Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, and Senior AP Art. Please feel free to bring up any problems or concerns about your art schedule and I will do all I can to help.


    Art class is not just about making art. There are 3 major parts to art instruction in Ohio. The first, Knowing/Perceiving, asks students to share what they know and see in art discussed in class. The second, Producing/Performing asks students to use skill in creating artwork. The third, Reflecting/Responding, asks students to analyze and judge artworks explaining their ideas.


    Fees for all art classes are $15.00. Fees must be turned in to the main office. I do not collect fees, but I will receive reports on who has paid. Fees are used to buy materials for your class. If you do not pay fees while you are enrolled in a class, you will not benefit from the money paid. The main office may impose other restrictions on students who do not pay fees. Sculpture materials are very expensive and if you do not pay any fees, you will be asked to pay $1.00 for each ceramic piece you would like to bring home. If you do not purchase your own work, it will be available for others to buy to offset the expense of the materials for class, or your unwanted project may be recycled for another project. If fees are paid, all pieces can be taken home at no cost.

  • Art Grading Procedures

    Classwork will be graded using the Standards Based Grading Practices outlines in the grading brochure sent home from school during the first week. You will be assessed using formative tools, which help the teacher understand your progress related to a topic. Formative assessments do not calculate into your final grade. Summative and authentic assessments will be used to determine your final mastery of skills, ideas, and materials. These forms of assessment will be used to determine your grade. You will be graded using a rubric for each project, or points available will be explained to you when a project or assignment is introduced. Rubrics are intended to show you what is expected from the beginning of a project, and should be read at the onset to guide your work. Assessment will relate to the Ohio standards for visual art. Art classes are designed to require daily work for success. The effort and attention you put into completing your work will impact your grade greatly. “Gifted artists”are not guaranteed the best grades. Everyone must complete all work as assigned. If you do not work during class, or you are absent, you will have to find time to make up work missed, during lunch period, before, or after school. If projects are not complete by class deadlines, after school working detentions or lunch detentions will be assigned so that you have the time needed to complete work without taking time from class. In addition to art projects, additional points will be earned from completing reading assignments, worksheets, and from quarterly assessments.

  • Class Rules

    Classroom Expectations

    1. Clean Up – Clean your table and shelf daily. Be sure to put away all materials.
    2. Work – You are expected to work all periods, every day.
    3. Be respectful – Show respect for other’s artwork, the classroom, the materials, your classmates, your teacher, and all school wide rules.
    4. No Electronic Devices – No cell phones, MP3 players, games, etc. in class. If you have any of these items out, your electronic device will be delivered to the office to be kept in the safe. Calls from mom or texts from dad are not an excuse. Any emergency communication between a student and a parent or guardian should go through the office to the classroom phone.

    If you have a problem with these expectations:

    1. For your First and Second offense you will be given a warning, which will be recorded. Effort will be made to contact parents/guardians to let them know there has been an issue.
    2. For your third offense, you will be given a Third warning and assigned 15 minutes of after school detention.
    3. If problems continue, detentions will continue and time will be added. A second detention will be 25 minutes, a third detention 35 minutes. When problems continue, or are severely disruptive, students may be immediately referred to the office.
    Attutide= Be positive and try your best!
    Respect = Respect everyone and everything, including your peers, the teacher, student artwork, supplies, and our building.
    Target = Work toward your learning target. You should work every day for the entire class, until notified to clean up.
    Imagine = Be creative and dream! Art allows you to try new things and experience a different type of education embrace it!
    Spic & Span = Clean up and store all materials. Leave the room as good as you found it. Put all materials away in the proper place.
    Technology = No use of technology without permission. This means no phones, iPods, MP3 players, or computers. You can use your phone or other technology on your own time, but DO NOT have it out during class. I will not have a phone out because I think our time together is too important, please do the same. Any emergency can be taken care of through the school office for me and for you.